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Stored from 2 sires with 13 ewes.

More Information on the Sheep Sales Tab


Based at St Helens Plains in the Victorian Wimmera, just North of the Grampians National Park.

The studs boasts a combined 60 year breeding program in which we have produced some of the strongest commercial lines of Hampshires, which have been unrivaled in show and sale rings.

Our genetics can be traced back to the prestigious Shapwick Flock in Wimborne, Dorset, United Kingdom, which was founded in 1834.

Our genetics can be found in majority of Hampshire Studs throughout Australia. We are extremely proud to have sustained our pure bloodline and preserved our unique breed in Australia's trying weather conditions.

Our stock are DNA tested and genotyped for many different reasons. One goal is to breed our flock to have full resistance to Scrapie.

Annually we produce 60-70 top rams for select commercial terminal flocks throughout Australia.

We are the longest running performance recording Hampshire Down flock with Sheep Genetics (Lambplan) joining in their founding year. Our ewe lambs are joined at nine months of age and speed up our genetic gain to allow more superior genetics to be produced.

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About Me

My name is Mathew Hill

I am the owner of Aurora Park & Burrandool Studs. I run four registered stud operations, two Hampshire down studs, a Border Leicester, a Shropshire stud and I commercially manage a 1,500 self replacing fine merino flock.

I have judged at many shows around Australia, these include... Sydney Royal, Geelong Royal, Australian Sheep Show, Daylesford, Berwick, Coleraine, Longford, Horsham and more.

Internationally I have judged the Masham Sheep Fair in the United Kingdom and the National Cup in Colombia. 


Our Stud Team can advise you on what Rams to select to best match your operation to increase profitability and ease of management.

Call for Inspection Times: 

0488 159 853


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